Let’s Wrap Up: A Year in Review

Let’s Wrap Up: A Year in Review
As we approach the close of another year, we invite you to join us on a journey that commemorates the profound impact of God's unwavering faithfulness on the lives of people all around the world. Read along to uncover the story that has touched our staff the most, and be inspired by the power of God's work!
At TWR Canada, it has been a year of reflecting on God’s faithfulness, both through our history and today. As we come to the end of 2023, we want to share some of these reflections with you! We recently asked the staff in our London office to share their thoughts on some of the stories we have shared in our Speaking Hope e-updates this year and why these stories are meaningful to them. Read on to see the ways God has been faithful, and be sure to scroll to the end to see the story which had the biggest impact on our staff this year!
“Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning!”
Students in our SOTA ministry serve the Lord diligently and steadfastly! This e-update celebrates these fervent efforts and shows how students are further encouraged and led by God’s will through fellowships and training post-graduation. Carol, our office representative who calls and prays with our donors, shared, “I am encouraged by the dedication of the students to complete this seminary-level 4-year course. I can only imagine how God will impact generations to come for his glory through their ability to disciple believers.”
Transformed Minds in Sri Lanka
The Holy Spirit moves us to discover and discern God’s will for our lives. This e-update shares the transformation of lives in Sri Lanka through the messages of the radio program God’s Unique Book. It testifies to how people who come from different religious backgrounds often have engrained perspectives and need to hear the truth and the peace that comes with salvation and hope found in Jesus. As Stephanie, our ministry development assistant, shared, “What a powerful reminder that God's love is for everyone!”
Over the summer, TWR Eswatini received an award from the Eswatini Revenue Services for tax compliance, which reminded us of how important and necessary behind-the-scenes work is. Lyndsay, our fundraising and donor engagement manager, shared, “As our London team is often doing work that would be considered behind the scenes, it is encouraging to see that this work is important and making a difference. It is great to see Ingrid shining the light on ethical business practices and showing a level of expertise and excellence in a ministry setting. It is inspiring for our behind-the-scenes teams all around the world!”
Listener Groups: God in my House
We often think of listening to a program as a solitary activity, but in many parts of the world, people gather to listen and discuss a program together. This e-update shows how listener groups build community and strengthen faith. As Jennifer, our communications assistant, shared, “I was truly amazed at how God used one small act to transform so many lives. It reminded me of the story of the five loaves and two fish from the Bible. With just 50 media players, a single act of faith became a catalyst for the spirit to work miraculously, multiplying his impact and touching the lives of over 600 people!”
Encouraging and Empowering Women
In this e-update, written for International Women’s Day in March, we celebrate TWR Women of Hope and how its programs educate women and their families while empowering them to make positive changes to both their spiritual and physical lifestyles. As Fundraising and Donor Engagement Manager Lyndsay shared, “It is encouraging to see women being impacted in their everyday lives. This e-update speaks to the importance of having partners in local areas who understand the real circumstances women are going through and what advice and help they can provide from a biblical worldview.”
“I Have Learned to Love My Friends as Jesus Loved.”
Bible Stories Alive encourages and edifies children while reviving and blessing the hearts of adults who also tune in. As Communications Assistant Jennifer shared, “We can easily forget how important and transformative the work of the Lord can be in the lives of children. I came to know the Lord as a child, and I hold strong to that faith to this day. This e-update was a strong reminder that TWR Canada understands and values the importance of the Lord's work from an early age.”
It’s a multifold blessing when we send media players to those in need of God’s Word. When we sent media players to Guatemala in the Achi language earlier this year, it impacted the lives of grieving mothers and bedridden adults, offering them hope through the healing message of salvation. Eliza, our ministry development and communications manager, shared, “This is just one example of a media player distribution we have done this year, but it tells the same story we hear from all over the world: media players provide access to the gospel in the heart languages of people, and this changes lives!”
Speaking Hope into Hearts in Quebec
Our partner Aujourd’hui l’Espoir speaks hope into the hearts of the unreached people of Quebec through television, radio and the internet. Gwen, who works in HR and missionary services, shared her heart for our Quebec ministry upon reflecting on this e-update: “I like hearing about the work in Quebec because they are a Canadian ministry.” Because Gwen knows the team personally and has prayed over their triumphs and tribulations for many years, she feels particularly connected to the local impact and fruitful stories that come from this ministry.
God is our Refuge and Strength
The impacts of the war on the nation of Ukraine and its people prompted us to partner with TWR Ukraine to create a video series to share how God is at work in Ukraine. Jason, our senior director of ministries, shared, “I'm so glad TWR Canada has been able to help extend the Ukraine team's influence through this program to share how God is at work through his Church in even the hardest and darkest corners of the country.” As Jason visited Ukraine in 2018 and saw the impact of the TWR team across the country, including their ministry to soldiers even at that time, this e-update resonated particularly poignantly.
And now, the story which had the biggest impact on our staff this year…
Wounds Cleansed in Christ’s Name
God works in unexpected ways in the most difficult areas of the world. This e-update speaks to how God changed the life of a young woman through prayer and a message on the radio. Dan, TWR Canada president, shared, “For more than 40 years, our ministry to the Persian-speaking world has brought hope to many with little hope. Yasmin's story is particularly moving. Even though the difficulties in her life haven't changed, she doesn't feel alone and she has hope. I was reminded how important it is to continue using the various technologies that God has entrusted to us and how it reaches into parts of the world where we are not able to go in person. Seeing hearts transformed is the fuel that motivates me and our team in all we do.”
Was there a story we missed that impacted you this year? Get in touch! We’d love to hear how God touched your heart this year, whether that was through someone else’s story or your own account of how you’ve seen him at work in your life!