Proclaimed and Explained
Proclaimed and Explained
Recently, we sent media players to Guatemala in the Achi language. Read more to see how these media players loaded with biblical content are changing lives!
Did you know there are 25 different languages spoken in Guatemala? Although Spanish is the nation’s official language, about 40 per cent of the country speaks indigenous languages. One indigenous language includes the Achi language, spoken by less than one per cent of the population. That statistic may seem insignificant, but that’s over 85,000 people who may not have heard the message of salvation in their heart language.
When the good news of Jesus is received in a heart language, something magnificent happens! People share stories with us of the hope and strength that God gives them through media players loaded with biblical content. Through understanding what this means for their salvation, the Church is growing!
We recently sent media players to Guatemala in the Achi language with some Canadian missionaries who were connected to TWR Canada and our media players through their church. God is at work through the delivery of these media players! Upon hearing the recipients’ thankful responses, a ministry partner of these missionaries shared, “It’s been a great blessing to use these devices for the proclamation of the gospel and to share the Word of God to adults and elderly people who do not know how to read or write.”
One media player recipient was Cleotilde, a single mother who recently lost her son. She received a media player and shared that, day by day, listening to the Word of God and the Bible studies contained in the device have strengthened her.
Maria, an elderly woman, was sick with cancer. She recently passed into the presence of the Lord but what she heard in the last weeks of her life was the Word of God in her heart language through this device. Glory to God!
Other sisters like Esther and Silvia have been visiting bedridden adults to encourage them with the Word of God with these media players. God is using these media players to proclaim and explain his love from the language of the heart! With the impact these players have had already, we know there are more Achi speakers eager to grow closer to the Lord. We are excited to have recently sent more media players to Guatemala with content in the Achi language; our work proclaiming and explaining God’s providence is not finished!
If you are interested in learning how we can partner with your church to send media players around the world, contact us! We would love to talk with you about speaking hope to the world through media players!