March 2024 TWR Women of Hope Prayer Calendar

March 2024 TWR Women of Hope Prayer Calendar
March 2024
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Click here for the March-April calendar including articles.
In March, we are praying for the Americas. Please pray…
- Lord, bring unity in Christ’s global Church through your Spirit. Transform us so we may love you above all else and one another as members of the body. (Eph. 4:2-3)
- Lord, please give women in the Dominican Republic a boldness to proclaim the gospel in their workplaces and schools and among family members, friends and neighbours. (1 Pet. 3:15-16)
- Father, comfort the hearts of Brazilian mothers who have lost their children to the violence in large cities or are missing. (Rev. 21:4)
- Lord, help women released from the prisons in Paraguay to be properly reintegrated into society and not return to a life of crime. (Gal. 6:1)
- God, enable young women in Uruguay to embrace biblical principles and desire to remain sexually pure until you guide them to a faithful and loving partner. (1 Cor. 6:18)
- Lord, we pray for the government leaders of Bonaire. Give them wisdom in making decisions for their island as well as in balancing time between work and home. (1 Tim. 2:1-2)
- Father, we look to you to heal the minds and emotions of young women in the U.S. May they find their identity, source of truth and meaning for life in you. (Phil. 4:6-7)
- We praise you, God, for supporters of the ministry across Canada who faithfully intercede for women around the world using the prayer calendar each month. (James 5:16b)
- Father, help the women in the Dominican Republic to become spiritually mature so that social pressures will not distract them from following you faithfully. (Heb. 5:14)
- Lord, we pray for the liberation and salvation of Brazilian women living in prostitution. May they find healing and true freedom in you. (John 8:36)
- God, we ask that the growing trend of femicide in Paraguay be stopped. Help the churches and government take the correct measures necessary to assist these women. (Ps. 138:7)
- We are grateful for the opportunity to record prayer requests for the radio in Uruguay. Thank you, Lord, for the women who pray with us as they listen. (Eph. 1:16)
- Heavenly Father, grant patience and wisdom to those working with drug addicts on Bonaire. May the root of these addictions be destroyed and long-term solutions embraced. (1 Cor. 10:13)
- Father, help women in the U.S. to purposefully make time in their busy schedules to daily seek your heart. May their love for you be above all else. (Lam. 3:25)
- Lord, bless and guide the initiative of TWR Canada in helping Canadian Christians know how to share the gospel cross-culturally in their communities. (Acts. 1:8)
- God, please strengthen weary mothers in the Dominican Republic; enable them to be heard as they communicate their needs. (Isa. 40:29)
- Lord, you tell us not to oppress the foreigner. May laws be created for the protection and support of women and children who are refugees in Brazil. (Exod. 22:21)
- God, please give the women of Paraguay your wisdom and discernment so they will not allow themselves to be emotionally and physically abused. (James 1:5)
- Lord, help teenage girls in Uruguay who are considering suicide to see their value and purpose in life. Restore their dignity and identity so they can work with you to build their future. (Jer. 29:11)
- Lord God, may those in the Caribbean commit their lives to Christ and obey his teachings so they may have a promising future. (Prov. 16:3)
- God, may the women in the Dominican Republic who work solely in their homes understand the benefit and blessing of serving their families. (Prov. 11:25)
- Father, please grant the TWR Women of Hope team in Brazil your wisdom, creativity and inspiration to produce impactful, relevant content for the ministry. (Prov. 2:6)
- Lord, provide for those elderly grandmothers in Paraguay who have been abandoned by their children, some of them even living on the streets. Touch the hearts of their children to value and care for them. (1 Tim. 5:3-5)
- Gender-based violence in Uruguay is widespread. God, touch the hearts of violent men who harm their wives and children. May they find salvation in Christ and learn to love their families. (Matt. 19:25-26)
- Father, we ask you to protect single-parent families in the Caribbean. Guide the parents on how to love, give attention and care for their children. (1 Tim. 5:8)
- God, help the women of the Dominican Republic to recognize and use the gifts and talents you have given them for your glory. (Rom. 12:6-8)
- Lord, give great wisdom and discernment to female medical personnel in Paraguay as they deal with the rising number of patients with mental health issues. (Ps. 34:17-18)
- Father, you created both men and women in your image. Change the hearts and minds of people to recognize and value Brazilian women equally in the workplace. (Prov. 31:16-17)
- May Christian women in Uruguay stand firm in their convictions, Lord, and accept the responsibility of sharing the gospel with others. (Rom. 1:16)
- Father God, please expose those in Bonaire who deal in human trafficking and bring healing to those released from captivity. (Ps. 82:3-4)
- Lord, may communities and social institutions in Paraguay give compassionate support to women facing personal, emotional and family crises. (Rom. 12:13)