January 2024 Women of Hope Prayer Calendar

January 2024 Women of Hope Prayer Calendar
January 2024
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Click here for the January-February calendar including articles.
In January, we are praying for Europe! Please pray...
- God, may abused women in Albania have courage to denounce their abusers. Bring healing and hope in Jesus to these women. (Ps. 130:7)
- Lord, give inspiration to Anja as she produces the TWR Women of Hope program Rise and Shine in Belgium. (Matt. 10:20)
- Father God, we pray that the Women of Hope program in the Croatian language would be relevant and deeply touching in women’s hearts. (Ps. 119:105)
- Father, we ask that you see, be near and rescue the women in Denmark who live under slave-like circumstances, are exploited and live in fear of violence. (Gen. 16:13)
- Lord, give wisdom to refugee women in Europe as they navigate relationships with men in their lives while exploring possibilities that were not open to women in their home countries. (Ps. 32:8)
- We pray that people of Greenland who have lost loved ones to suicide would come to you for healing, Father, and find peace of mind instead of longing for death themselves. (Matt. 11:28)
- Lord, we ask that Finnish women who feel distress and pressure as they compare themselves with others on social media would find their true worth in Jesus Christ. (Prov. 3:15)
- Lord, give the needed tools and resources to organizations working with girls and families, such as the poor and many from Bulgaria and Romania, who are at risk of falling victim to human trafficking. (2 Cor. 9:8)
- Heavenly Father, we ask that you protect the women in France from those who harass them sexually. (Ps. 116:6)
- God, inspire Stephanie Neeb, the new ERF and TWR Women of Hope national coordinator in Germany, with creative ideas to make the ministry known to more intercessors and donors. (Ps. 34:1)
- Lord, free women from prostitution in the Netherlands and help the organizations who reach out to them to bring both encouragement and the gospel message. (Gal. 5:1)
- Father, restore the lost dignity and true identity in Christ to girls and women in North Macedonia who have been treated as inferior beings. (Rom. 8:14-17)
- Through their lives and godly example, Lord, give Christian mothers in Norway strength and boldness to share Jesus daily with their children. (Titus 2:7)
- God, we pray for improved medical care in Poland, including the ability to perform surgery for brain cancer. Many Polish patients cannot go abroad for this expensive treatment. (Ps. 40:7)
- Violence, divorce, abuse and pornography increasingly affect Portuguese families. Lord, bring your restoration to these families in need. (Jer. 17:14)
- Lord, reveal yourself to young people in Romania; may their hearts be open to love you. Set them free from drugs and addictions and restore their lives. (Ps. 18:16)
- Father, reveal yourself to every person who responds to the programs our North Caucasus team produces. May these listeners come to know you as our team ministers truth, comfort and support to them. (Rom. 15:13)
- God, we ask that you open doors for studio construction for our Serbian team as they seek to change women’s lives through impactful content creation. (Eph. 3:20)
- Lord, we pray for the passage of laws against human trafficking in Spain to protect the many girls and women in slavery and sexual exploitation. (Ps. 103:6)
- Father, we pray for the children in Swedish schools who struggle with their identity; open their eyes to see themselves as God does. (Mark 8:25)
- Protect and strengthen the TWR Ukraine team members, Lord, who remain in Ukraine to serve and bless their people. May the message of hope in Jesus continue to be broadcast and reach many women online. (Isa. 40:31)
- Heavenly Father, bring unity in the Albanian church so that the members work together to reach their country for Christ. (1 Cor. 1:10)
- God, bless the work of our Croatian coordinator, Hana, and her team as they help prostitutes and addicts find freedom at the Zagreb drop-in center. (Prov. 14:21)
- Lord, strengthen marriages in the Faroe Islands so that love, respect and care characterize their relationships. Protect them from Satan’s attacks. (1 Peter 4:8)
- We pray for the development and provision for our Serbian team’s ministry among Romani women. Lord, may the Romani recognize their worth in your eyes. (Jer. 29:11)
- We pray for the creation of a support system in Norway for women who choose to keep their babies despite unwanted pregnancies. (Gal. 6:2)
- Jesus Christ, you alone are Lord. Please reveal this truth to the Polish people so that they worship only you. (Phil. 2:9-11)
- With mental health declining significantly in Portugal since the pandemic, Lord, may people have more access to medical care, a greater awareness of illness and less shame in asking for help. (Phil. 4:6-7)
- Strengthen the faith of Romanian Christian mothers, Lord, and hear their prayers for the salvation of all in their homes. (1 Pet. 3:1-6)
- Father, be a refuge for young women in Spain. May they be protected from gang rape and delivered from violence. (2 Sam. 22:3-4)
- Father, bless our Ukrainian sister who, in the midst of war, continues to translate the prayer calendar into Russian for Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia. (Jer. 17:7-8)