Songs of Thanksgiving
Songs of Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving! We praise God for the hearts we are reaching across the globe through media, as well as for the faithful prayers and support from those partnering with us in ministry! Read more to hear impactful stories from those we reach across the world.
“I will praise the name of the Lord with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” (Psalm 69:30, ESV)
Scripture calls us to give thanks, and so today we are expressing gratitude for how God has blessed the ministry of TWR Canada. This Thanksgiving season, we are reflecting on stories shared from the grateful hearts of those we reach across the globe through radio, media, technology, training and more. We praise God for these changed lives around the world. We also praise God for you, whose faithful prayers and means of support are used to transform lives.
We are blessed to hear from believers who continuously share the impact of the ministry on their lives. Whether they hear a program on the radio, watch a video on social media, or connect with the ministry in another way, people from all over the world call, text and message our partners, letting us know they are comforted by and through God’s grace. While we receive thanks for the spiritual guidance and practical advice our Christian media provides, such as through TWR Women of Hope programs, we lift this gratitude up to where it is due: our great and glorious God.
Bible Stories Alive educates and plants seeds of God’s love in the hearts of children, which in turn produces songs of thanksgiving, not only from the children but also from their parents and teachers. One listener in Kenya recently shared that she wants to be a Sunday school teacher when she grows up and teach children stories from the program!
Testimonies like this regularly come in from children who are eager to tune in to the Bible Stories Alive programs and treasure what they learn each week. We praise God for stirring the love of Christ into our hearts, cultivating child-like excitement in both young and old alike, as we see him at work in the world. As Jeremiah 30:19 says, “Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who celebrate. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honoured, and they shall not be small” (ESV).
We see God honour these songs of thanksgiving and voices of celebration as he uses this zeal to multiply his kingdom. Through our SOTA ministry, for example, we equip pastors and church leaders to be a guiding light using their passion for mission work and commitment to serving God. An attendee from a recently held preaching fellowship shared, “Thank God for giving me the opportunity to participate in the preaching fellowship in the early days of my preaching ministry. I am very thankful to the teachers for their earnest and professional guidance. They helped me to identify my errors and weaknesses, and then pointed me toward the direction of future improvements.”
Although there are times when we may not always find ourselves feeling thankful, when we meditate on the grateful expressions of others, we can humbly begin to see the big picture of what God has done for the world. As we reflect on the Thanksgiving holiday let us praise the name of God with a song and magnify him with thanksgiving, as David declares in Psalm 69:30. The gift of salvation through Jesus is meant to be shared!