Speaking Hope

A Renewed Life

A Renewed Life

TWR Canada President Dan Reese shares the story of a SOTA student who is experiencing a renewed life through faith in Jesus! Read more to hear how you can support this life-changing work.

Dear Friends,

…seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” (Colossians 3:9-10, ESV)

One summer when I was a teenager, my whole family memorized the entire third chapter of Colossians. It is still a passage that is near and dear to my heart and one I often find myself gravitating toward. It reminds us that we have set aside our old selves and have put on the new self, which is being renewed as we grow in our faith. But what does it mean to be renewed and transformed by God’s Word?

When the gospel reaches people’s hearts, this produces a desire within them to know more about the Bible and Christ. And, when God’s children mature in their faith through discipleship, the Church grows and is strengthened.

For over 10 years, TWR Canada has met a tremendous need for Chinese believers to be fed the Word of God and develop in their faith so that the Chinese church may grow. SOTA, our 3-4 year intensive seminary training, equips Chinese believers to lead churches and disciple believers. This involves coursework, meetings and specialized training sessions, with a focus on using relevant technology to remain accessible to students.

We hear story after story from students about how their faith has grown because of SOTA and how it impacts their personal and church lives. At a recent SOTA graduation, one brother shared:

“Through the study of SOTA, I have a completely different understanding of God. My original understanding of God was vague and one-sided, and I could not really apply the words of the Bible to my life. I was self-righteous, and I boasted that I had abilities. Through these years of study, I was completely changed by God, because the Lord said, 'I have come that they may have life.' God gave me a completely new life. This has brought changes to my relationships with my parents and siblings, spouse, children, in-laws, pastoral team and brothers and sisters in the church. Although I have graduated today, the path of service has only just begun. May God have mercy on me and help me continue to pursue and grow in maturity. May more Christians get to know SOTA and be equipped! Get prepared to meet the Lord in his second coming.”

Through your partnership, many people around the world are being renewed in Jesus! Together, we seek to have many know the truth of John 10, which this brother references above. Jesus has come to give us life, a new life made in the likeness of God that is filled with true righteousness and holiness! Praise God for how we see the renewal of this SOTA student’s mind transforming many areas of his life: his desires, his relationships, and his view of self. I trust that you have also seen Christ’s redeeming work in these areas of your life. God breaks us of our self-dependence, blesses us and transforms us, renewing our lives and reminding us of our identity: a child of God.

God continues to use your generous support to work powerfully through the ministry of TWR Canada as we use media and technology to share the hope of Jesus and encourage the renewal of minds. Through your partnership, we see faithful and mature believers built up, more effective and equipped leaders, and the growth and strengthening of the Church.

This SOTA graduate represents many others like him, whose lives have been renewed and are now sharing the hope of Jesus with others. Will you join me in sharing the message of a renewed life that is found in Christ? Your gift today changes lives. Let us rejoice together for the countless stories we receive from our partners of God’s children finding renewal in him!

With a grateful heart,

Dan Reese


TWR Canada

P.S. Your partnership allows us to equip believers through training and discipleship to put on the new self and multiply believers. To give, please call our office at 888-672-6510, or visit www.twr.ca/renewedlife.