Speaking Hope

Reaching the Unreached Begins with Prayer

Reaching the Unreached Begins with Prayer

Recently, our partners on the ground in East Africa distributed media players to the Aringa people, an unreached people group in northern Uganda. Learn more about this initiative!

According to East-West Ministries, of the 8 billion people in the world, 3.2 billion are unreached. So, how can we reach this 40 per cent of the world with the gospel? Before going anywhere or doing anything, we have to recognize the need, just as Jesus taught us in Matthew 9:36-38: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” (ESV).

And this is exactly what TWR East Africa Ministry Director Egide did: he saw the needs of the unreached crowds and was compelled by God’s compassion to drive 13 hours by road to distribute media players to the Aringa people. This is an area with almost no churches, where water is fetched from drilled boreholes; there are no rivers in sight and the sun unbearably scorches down. But as God’s labourer, Egide trusted in God’s path for him: he recognized that these people, who live in small, grass-covered houses, are thirsty for the gospel and need a Shepherd.

Loaded with the Knowing God drama series in the Aringa language, these players already mean the world to those in northern Uganda who have received them. Through them, the unreached are coming to know God! According to testimonies received so far, the program is the first evangelical tool received on such a handy device.

During the distribution, fifteen people were in attendance from the small local church community. The program was introduced as a tool for evangelism. With these media players, the unreached can walk with the Lord and use the devices as God’s labourers to reach out to their non-Christian neighbours and friends.

If you’re wondering what religion makes up the Aringa-speaking population, it is primarily Muslim with a very small number of Christians. Some people respond positively to evangelism and would like to become Christians, but most fear persecution from other Muslims. So, not only are there physical barriers with poor road conditions and long routes to get to these people, but there are also spiritual challenges that were considered before deciding to distribute these media players to this specific region of Uganda.  

Playing one episode of Knowing God over a loudspeaker, the people in attendance listened and appreciated the program, Egide reported. Praise God for sending Egide as his labourer to speak hope to this unreached people group through media players!