Equipping the Church in hard, hostile and hidden places

Equipping the Church in hard, hostile and hidden places
In place of our regular Spring newsletter, we had the opportunity to partner with Faith Today to distribute a special magazine insert introducing TWR Canada to a new audience. Hear more about this from TWR Canada President Dan Reese and check out the full magazine insert!
Dear friends,
For the past 50 years, TWR Canada has sought to partner with churches, ministries and individuals around the world. We provide media content and leadership training tools, supported by the most effective technologies, to equip the body of Christ in carrying out Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. I am grateful that the Lord has called you to be one of our many partners on this journey.
Throughout my travels across various parts of Canada in recent months, I have been reminded that TWR Canada is a well-kept secret! As people hear the many stories of impact, they express how they wish they had known about TWR Canada sooner and that many more would come to know of this ministry. There is a great opportunity for us to expand our partnerships across Canada with those who share our enthusiasm for our mission!
In recognition of our 50th anniversary, we have partnered with Faith Today to distribute the magazine insert linked here. This was recently included in their May/June edition and delivered to more than 20,000 churches and Christian leaders across the country! The magazine insert was designed to introduce TWR Canada to a new audience and share with them the great impact of what God is doing through our ministry.
In place of our regular spring newsletter, we wanted to share this magazine insert with you! We encourage you to share this with a friend. This is also an excellent opportunity to introduce TWR Canada to the lead pastor or missions chair at your church. Your endorsement of this ministry may encourage others to join you in investing in what God is doing through TWR Canada.
Together, we can partner to speak hope in the hard, hidden and hostile places of the world – places where people need to hear the message of hope in Christ and be given the opportunity to deepen their faith in our Saviour through intentional discipleship.
Thank you for helping us spread awareness about TWR Canada. We are grateful for your ongoing partnership with us in our mission of speaking hope to the world.
Your partner in ministry,
Dan Reese
TWR Canada