Speaking Hope

Access to God’s Grace at our Fingertips

Access to God’s Grace at our Fingertips

As digital culture changes and more people around the world have access to the internet, our digital ministry allows people anywhere, at any time, to tune into God’s grace through an online space. Discover more about our digital ministry!

At TWR Canada, our desire is to partner with the Church to evangelize and disciple all nations through media content, training and technology. Over the last few years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw a rapid advancement of how technology can be used in connecting people, and God opened doors to new perspectives that impact how people come to and grow in faith. Many of us have had to depend on digital technology for our jobs, whether working remotely or adapting to new technology and digital-based protocols. Lockdowns forever changed how we connect with one another, including within the realm of our church experience. As digital culture changes and more and more people around the world have access to the internet, our digital ministry allows people anywhere, at any time, to tune into God’s grace through an online space, where individuals and small groups can easily and effectively grow in faith together.

Research shows that 60 per cent of people come to faith through family and friends, a number that has dropped from 85-90 per cent since 1970. Whether we were raised in a Christian household, or a Christian friend offered brotherly love that showed us a glimpse of what a relationship with God looks like, we all need a sense of community in the form of someone reaching out their hand and demonstrating the power of God’s love and his saving grace. But how does that bond form when our sense of community and connection has changed so much through digital advancements?

In places like the Persian-speaking world, where it’s dangerous to be a Christian, one man shared how receiving a link from a friend paved the path for his sorrows to fade and for his faith to grow: "I am 30 years old and I was experiencing hard times. I often calmed myself down with daydreams or with pills and medication. I was getting emptier and emptier every day. One day, I was chatting with a friend of mine who was worried about me and I was telling him about my pain. He said, ‘Only God can comfort you.’ Then he told me that he had become a Christian. I asked my friend what I needed to do to become a Christian. My friend sent me a link to your web radio, encouraging me to read the Bible online and listen to the radio to learn. I felt the light of hope and lightness in me; I felt that a new life was about to start. After three months of listening to the radio and reading the Bible, I came to believe in Christ, and my life changed. I am at peace with him."

The power of experiencing God’s love in a virtual space is seen and felt through another believer in the Persian-speaking world: “My dear friends, how can I thank you for your kindness? When I read your responses to me, I go eagerly into the presence of God. I read your messages over and over. Then I begin to weep and I cannot stop. I benefit from each sentence you write and I am blessed. I read and memorize the verses you send so that when negative thoughts attack me, I can use the Word of God to replace the thoughts the enemy brings to my mind.”

With resources available online and strong connections formed and maintained digitally, people can read and listen to God’s Word as often as they need. Where and when believers can’t meet in person, for whatever reason, digital resources and platforms serve to hold space and opportunities to build and strengthen faith in community and can be used to connect even more people to Christ.

Have you noticed a change in how you connect and communicate with others over the past few years? Are you longing to grow closer to the Lord or have a friend who could benefit from growing in faith through the convenience of an app? Romans 1:11-12 tells us, “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you — that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.

Whether it’s listening to a podcast through a phone app or watching a video series on the internet, there are many ways to access materials to help you share the gospel and grow in faith. And with apps and websites with content available in multiple languages, like TWR360 or our Speak Hope app, you have the power at your fingertips to share God’s grace. Download one of our apps on Android or iOS today and let us know how you use technology to share the gospel and grow in faith!