TWR Canada Prayer Calendar

Steadfast in Waiting

Steadfast in Waiting

“I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.” (Psalm 130:5-6)

As much as we may be disappointed to hear it, the Lord’s timing and the timeline that we create for ourselves are not always aligned. We have all been, in one way or another, required to wait. Perhaps it is for something small like waiting in traffic, in line or for your food to arrive at your table, or for something bigger like waiting to hear back from a big work interview, for news from a doctor, for a positive pregnancy test or for a loved one to come to know the Lord. We can create five, ten, or fifteen-year plans for our lives, we can climb corporate ladders, jump through hoops, and try to find shortcuts, but we can’t make tomorrow come sooner and we can’t change or rush the Lord’s timing or plans.

Whatever we are waiting for and no matter how long the wait, we are called to be steadfast in waiting for the LORD. The night, or the season of waiting, may seem to stretch on for longer than we can bear, but the morning will come! The answers we are waiting for may not be the answers we need or the answers we get, but the Lord is not slow as we count slowness (2 Pet. 3:9) and he will provide. He knows what we need long before we do, and his timing is never off. Let us be steadfast in waiting for the Lord because the long night will end. Wait for the LORD and hope in his Word. Let your soul be still and trust that he is a good God.