TWR Canada Prayer Calendar

Steadfast in Rejoicing

Steadfast in Rejoicing

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)

Over and over again in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we are called to rejoice. In all circumstances, we are called to give thanks to our good God. In all circumstances, the joy of the Lord is our strength.

This week, we have an added reminder and encouragement to rejoice in the Lord and to give thanks. This special occasion, however, does not in itself make rejoicing and thanksgiving easy. Maybe you are in a very joyful season or maybe you are feeling deep inner pain. Maybe you are surrounded by friends and family or maybe you feel terribly alone. Maybe you are feeling blessed with health and strength or maybe your body is worn down with sickness.

In any and all circumstances, we are called to rejoice in the Lord and give thanks. But why? Why should we remain steadfast in this way even when we are suffering? And how? How can we find this joy and how can we give thanks? We can always rejoice in the Lord, and we can always give thanks to him because no matter how drastically or painfully our circumstances may change, our God does not change. He is always good and kind and gracious. He is always our Healer and Saviour. His joy is always our strength. He gifts us with joy, disciplines us in love, sustains us through suffering, and will someday bring us home.

Let us remain steadfast in giving thanks and in rejoicing in every circumstance because God is and always will be good.