TWR Canada Prayer Calendar

September 2023 Prayer Calendar

September 2023 Prayer Calendar

September 2023

Click here for the September printer-friendly version.

Click here for the September-October calendar. 

Please join us in praying for…

Ministry in Africa

From radio broadcasts to capital projects to on-the-ground ministry and the work of missionaries, our reach across Africa is vast, just like the region.

  1. Pray for listeners of Men Alive, broadcast on satellite radio from South Africa. This program is designed to encourage men in their faith.
  2. TWR Canada missionaries Stephen and Teresa Murray are serving in South Africa. Pray for safety and God’s direction as Stephen supports the technical operations of the West, East and Southern Africa offices and radio stations. Pray for Teresa as she cares for and encourages staff and missionaries on her team. 

Persian Ministry

For more than 40 years, we have been reaching the Persian-speaking world with the hope of the gospel. Through web radio, social media, training conferences and more, we continue to see believers strengthened in their faith and new disciples being made.

  1. Many Persian-speaking believers live fearfully and are isolated from other believers. Pray that these believers would be encouraged as they attend training conferences and listen to the web radio station.
  2. Conferences, in addition to providing fellowship, also provide a time for baptisms. Pray for those who re baptized and those who witness the baptisms.
  3. Praise God social media has been reaching younger generations who are seeking a new perspective on life!
  4. Pray for the ongoing development of youth and short programs and for those who will listen to these programs.
  5. Praise God for the enthusiasm of two young men who, through our Persian ministry, are being trained in evangelizing the message of salvation to the Persian-speaking world!
  6. Pray for our Persian ministry leader Tony, as he connects with and encourages Persian believers.
  7. Pray for those across the Persian-speaking world who receive resources such as SD cards, Bibles and other resources. Pray that they would grow in faith.

Ministry in Asia

Across Asia, the message of hope is being shared through radio broadcasts and follow-up ministries. God is changing lives!

  1. Pray that Sri Lankan listeners of God's Unique Book would have the opportunity to listen every week. Pray that new listeners, many being of Buddhist background, are comforted and encouraged by the love of Christ.
  2. Pray the good news of Christ reaches those searching for hope in Pakistan through programs such as The Prophet and The Way of Righteousness.
  3. Pray for those across Japan who will hear the truth of Jesus through the SON-Lift project, which shares stories from the Gospels in audio programs.
  4. Please pray that SOTA students across China will effectively implement what they are learning from fellowships and their studies into their ministries. Pray that what they learn would assist them in leading and discipling.
  5. Through our partnership with Media Impact International and their India Follow-up Centre, we are speaking hope to those in India who engage with our ministry partners on social media. Praise God we have already distributed over 150,000 digital Bibles and other Christian materials!
  6. Praise God for multiplying his kingdom through over 8,700 small groups using Discipleship Essentials in the Philippines!
  7. Pray for TWR Motion’s ongoing video production to create a series of animated videos to share the gospel with Thai Buddhists.

Women’s Ministry

TWR Canada’s ministry to women includes TWR Women of Hope, which equips women around the world to understand the Word of God, grow in faith and discover the hope of Jesus.

  1. Pray for the broadcasts of Women of Hope in French in West Africa and Bambara in Mali. Pray that the women who listen would learn of the God who loves them.
  2. Praise God for the many prayer partners across Canada and around the world who faithfully pray for the TWR Women of Hope ministry each day.
  3. Pray for Susie Pek, TWR Women of Hope global director, as she leads and guides the ministry.
  4. Pray for Jeanne, TWR Women of Hope coordinator in Mali, as she writes and records radio scripts, as well as plans for and speaks at churches and conferences in her own and surrounding countries.
  5. TWR Canada missionary Jonathan Griffiths is a consultant with TWR Women of Hope. Pray for him and the global leadership team as they strategize.
  6. Around the world, TWR Women of Hope has women who oversee the various country teams in their regions. Pray for Miia, Inja, Sphiwe and Yicell in their roles as regional coordinators.
  7. Pray for the TWR Canada women’s ministry team to see and carry out new opportunities for sharing the hope of Jesus with women across our country and around the world.

Ministry to Children

Our ministry to children includes Bible Stories Alive, a series of stories chronicling the lives of people in the Bible, such as Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, in a way that brings the stories to life and makes the listener feel like they are there.

  1. Praise God for the infrastructure to share Bible Stories Alive, including on four FM stations in Kenya, on TWR360, and on the Speak Hope and Bible Stories Alive Android and iOS apps.
  2. Pray for Dr. Griffiths and his team at Bible Stories Alive as they edit the English stories for translation into other languages. Praise God for Dr. Griffiths’ faithful life of ministry as he celebrates his 102nd birthday today!
  3. The Spanish and Arabic stories are recorded in the studio in our London office. Pray for the production teams, including TWR Canada missionary Jeremy Mullin, as they produce the stories.
  4. Pray for the distribution of the Mandarin stories on tablets and online through TWR Canada’s China ministry. Pray that the children and families who read and listen to these stories would grow in their faith together.
  5. Please pray for the translation and production of the Bible Stories Alive programs in Arabic, Spanish, Persian, Swahili, Somali, Hindi, Gujarati, and Mandarin.
  6. Across Cambodia, children listen to the Bible Stories Alive programs in groups. Praise God for the growth in faith in these children and their families.
  7. Please pray that God would instill in children all over the world a curiosity to know God and develop a strong foundation rooted in his truth and goodness.