TWR Canada Prayer Calendar

May 2023 Prayer Calendar

May 2023 Prayer Calendar

May 2023

Click here for the May printer-friendly version.

Click here for the May-June calendar. 

Please join us in praying for…

TWR Canada’s Ministry in Europe and CAMENA

While Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa are diverse in culture and language, one commonality is the need to hear the gospel. Radio programming, training conferences and missionaries are all part of our ministry in this region of the world.

  1. Pray for the Ukraine team’s strength and perseverance in this challenging time. To be a light for others, they need encouragement themselves.
  2. Pray for TWR Ukraine’s production of the new project How Are You, Out There? As the team conducts interviews across the country, pray for God’s love to unite and rebuild communities.
  3. Praise God that many who listen to Voice of Truth in North Macedonia have begun to see themselves in the light of God’s Word.
  4. We are creating a series of biblical songs and videos for Roma children in Serbia. Pray that these songs and videos would speak into the lives of children.
  5. Across the Middle East and North Africa, our partner, Together Network, trains believers to lead small groups and disciple others using Discipleship Essentials. Pray for those who have received this training and are discipling believers across the region.
  6. Across Central Asia, we are distributing media players with several SD cards of biblical content. This is especially helpful for those living in remote areas without a church. Pray for those who receive a player.

TWR Canada’s Radio Broadcasting

Radio broadcasting allows listeners from hard-to-reach places to urban centres, and everywhere in between, to access the gospel. From FM stations in countries like Burundi to high-powered radio from Bonaire, Eswatini and more, radio broadcasting shares the hope of the gospel around the world.

  1. The Burundian programs Good News for All and Jesus is the Answer continue to be well-loved across the country. Pray that these programs would draw people to Christ.
  2. Praise God for the Quebec FM station! Pray for those listening in Brownsburg, Quebec, and online at
  3. Against the Current is a program for young adults in Uruguay, encouraging them to live a life of obedience to God rather than following the culture. Pray that this program would encourage listeners.
  4. Our two Cuban programs, Messages of Faith and Hope and Our Home, are broadcast from the Bonaire transmitter. Pray for those listening across Cuba.
  5. In West Africa, the Discipleship Essentials radio program is changing lives! Pray for all those tuning in and growing in faith.
  6. In Pakistan, radio broadcasts are a highly effective way to share the hope of the gospel. Pray for those listening to the programs that air daily in the Punjabi and Urdu languages.
  7. Pray for the broadcasts of Women of Hope in French in West Africa and Bambara in Mali. Pray that the women who listen would learn of the God who loves them.


From radio transmitters to media players to SD cards to apps, media plays a crucial role in distributing programming and resources for evangelism and discipleship, in the ways best suited for the recipient.

  1. Praise God for technology, such as radio transmitters, media players, SD cards and apps, which allow us to share the hope of the gospel with the world.
  2. Pray for all those around the world who maintain transmitter sites. They keep the technology working so that the gospel can be heard.
  3. Praise God for TWR Canada’s Android and iOS apps. Pray for those who access content through these apps.
  4. Pray for the SD card distributions which happen around the world, including in creative-access countries. Pray for the safety of those distributing and receiving these SD cards in these locations.
  5. Pray for those across Canada who have received a TWR Canada media player as a gift from a friend or neighbour and are hearing the gospel preached in their heart language.
  6. In partnership with ShareWord Global and Thru the Bible, we are distributing 1,000 media players across Chile and Peru in 2023. Pray that these media players would help pastors grow in their understanding of God’s Word and shepherd their churches well.
  7. As we work with different partners, including missionaries sent out from Canadian churches, pray for wisdom in knowing what technology is best for reaching the group receiving the content.

TWR Canada’s Ministry in Asia

Across Asia, the message of hope is being shared through radio home groups, radio broadcasts and follow-up ministries. God is changing lives!

  1. In India and Bangladesh, radio home group leaders are trained using Discipleship Essentials. Praise God that those who have been trained report being better able to disciple their group members.
  2. We are partnering with TWR Motion to create a series of animated Bible stories for Thai Buddhists. Pray for the team as they strategize how best to depict the truth of the gospel to this people group.
  3. Please pray for SOTA students across China as they implement what they are learning into their ministries. Pray that what they learn would assist them in leading and discipling.
  4. Through our partnership with Media Impact International and their India Follow-up Centre, we are speaking hope to those in India who engage with our ministry partners on social media. Praise God we have already distributed over 30,000 digital Bibles and other Christian materials!
  5. Japan is the second-largest unreached people group in the world. Pray for a new initiative to share the gospel to this nation through a series of audio dramas based on stories from the Gospels.
  6. Praise God for multiplying his kingdom through over 8,700 small groups using Discipleship Essentials in the Philippines!
  7. Pray that the Sri Lankan listeners of God's Unique Book would be comforted and encouraged by the love of Christ as they listen each week.

TWR Canada’s Persian Ministry

For more than 40 years, we have been reaching the Persian-speaking world with the hope of the gospel. Through web radio, social media, training conferences and more, we continue to see believers strengthened in their faith and new disciples being made.

  1. Praise God for the recent conferences that have brought together seekers and believers in the Persian-speaking world for Christian love and fellowship!
  2. Pray for our Persian ministry leader, Tony, as he encourages and mentors Persian believers.
  3. Pray for those interacting on our Persian social media channels. Many young Persians are tired of religion and are asking about Jesus and Christianity. Pray that they would find the answers they seek.
  4. Pray for the ongoing development of youth and short programs and for those who will listen to these programs.