TWR Canada Prayer Calendar



“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)

No matter who you are, it is very likely that you have at some point struggled to find the right words to say, especially when it comes to questions and conversations about faith. Whether you are a pastor tackling sermon prep, a missionary overseas, an employee in a company with few to no believers, a mom or dad to curious children, or anything else in between, sometimes we feel stumped.

It is in these moments of wondering and searching for the right words that we tend to realize how deeply we need an all-knowing God to instruct us.

The good news is that this is the kind of God we have! We have a God who gives wisdom generously (James 1:5), who tells us the way in which to walk (Is. 30:21), and who gives us the words to say when we need them (Mark 13:11).

That certainly doesn’t mean that we will never stumble over our words or struggle to figure out what we are meant to do, but it does mean that we have a good and wise Teacher to help us.

He instructs us and sanctifies us so that our words and actions will be good and right and effective. He is not unable to use weak or clumsy people. He makes his power and wisdom known in and through our weakness!

As we face hard conversations or decisions, let us look to our wise God and good Teacher for help trusting that whether things play out the way we hope they will or seem to go sideways, God is still using that for his glory.