TWR Canada Prayer Calendar



“And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.” (2 Samuel 7:16)

King David is one of the most notable members of the genealogy of Christ. Not only was he an ancestor of the Messiah, but his kingship was also a picture of the eternal reign of Christ which was to come.

David is typically remembered for his humble beginnings, his stand against Goliath for God’s glory, the many beautiful songs he contributed to the book of Psalms, and for being “a man after [God’s] own heart” (Acts 13:22). Even so, David was a far from perfect man and king. He used his position of power to sleep with a married woman and proceeded to have her husband killed in battle to cover up his sin (2 Sam. 11). He failed to properly discipline his son for violating his sister (2 Sam. 13). He took a census of the people which was not authorized by God with the consequences being the deaths of 70,000 people of Israel (2 Sam. 24).

Overall, David had high highs and low lows. In the highs, he sang praises to God, and in the lows, he repented and trusted in God. Despite all the ways that David went wrong as king, God chose him and his offspring to prepare the way for the eternal kingship of Jesus. God was faithful to his promise to David that one of his offspring would reign eternally as King.

Jesus is the ultimate and eternal King from the line of David. Where David failed as king, Jesus succeeds, and where David succeeded as king, Jesus perfects. As we consider David and his successes and failures as king, let us remember our all-powerful and eternal King who rescues and rules in perfect justice and love.